April 21, 2016

Learn Spanish for kids free

Speekee® Accelerate. Homeschool Spanish curriculum for children aged 8+.
Older children love learning Spanish with Speekee® Accelerate.
A 40-week structured program for Spanish. View lesson plans online, or have them emailed to you once per week.
Sign up todaySpeekee® Play. Immersive interactive gameplay experience.
Children develop Spanish skills with friends in this highly creative online environment.
A single Speekee® plan includes FastTrack, Accelerate, TV and Play.
Speekee® Spanish Scheme of Work. For Primary Teachers.
Fulfil curriculum requirements with comprehensive and fully resourced Scheme of Work.
Confidently teach Spanish with Speekee's activity plans and supporting resources.
Plan your lessons with our interactive planning tool.
By the numbers: 35 levels. 398 activity plans. 740 audio language clips. 281 learning outcomes. And 1 Spanish Scheme of Work for the whole school.
Get a free trial