Free Spanish lessons YouTube
I'm a big fan of free language learning resources, of which Youtube is one of the best and easiest to use. Here are 5 of my picks for some of the best channels for learning Spanish on Youtube!
5) Practiquemos also have a youtube channel where they have supplementary Spanish lessons.
3) Senor Jordan
Senor Jordon is a Spanish teacher who makes videos to help teach his students. I really like his lessons because he always puts a practice segment at the end where you can test out what you've learned.
2) Butterfly Spanish
This is by far one of my favorite Youtube channels for Spanish learning. The lessons are in depth and Anna has a great way of explaining things. Also her personality is so bright and fluffy it's hard not to watch an entire lesson, even when they are long.
1) The Spanish Dude
If you are a native English speaker learning Spanish then you definitely should check out The Spanish Dude. Jordan is a native English speaker himself, and he has a way of breaking down Spanish grammar into a way that is easy to understand for us gringos.